Thursday, November 19, 2009

Day 41 (324 days to go)

Hello All,                                           November 19th, 2009

Oh boy! Last night was a late nighter because of hubby's work and then today there was so much going on that I somehow didn't get a bite to eat until 2:00pm. I stopped by Big Town Hero Sandwich shop and when I asked them for a list of the calories in their food they said they didn't know what the calorie count was in their food so I asked the guy to go ask his manager and he came back with the answer, "We won't get our list until January and then by law we don't have to publish it for a year".  That right off the bat tells me they have might have a lot of calories they are trying to hide.  I ordered the sandwich we've liked in the past and went home to look it up on the interenet only to find that yes indeed there is a list of Big Town Hero calories for their sandwiches except for the one I ate, Verry Berry Turkey.

My water today: 96 ozs.

My food consumption:

- 12" Very Berry Turkey sandwich from Big Town Hero  I'm estimating around 800 calories, 20 fat calories
- 1 cup Marshmallow cereal w/1 cup milk, 180 calories, 33 fat calories
- small french fry, 230 calories, 11 fat calories
- 1 med. vanilla milkshake from McDonald's, 550 calories, 15 fat calories

Approximate Total: 1,760 calories, 79 fat calories

I finally got on the treadmill at 10:15pm to walk/jog 2 miles in 40 minutes

Total: 100.3 Miles
Run on my friends!

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