Sunday, November 1, 2009

Day 23 (342 days to go)


I had a happy 2 mile walk around 4:00 pm in my new workout clothes :)

I got my 1st check yesterday as a distributor for Winalite/Love Moon Pads and I am of course thrilled to pieces!!!  $170 isn't too shabby if you ask me :) for a stay at home mom of 4 :)  I also got a $121 check from the consignment clothes I sold!  I forgot how good it feels to get a pay check :) I'm looking forward to sharing the Wealth of Winalite and the Health of their Amazing Pads!  I can't believe someone didn't figure out a common sense maxi pad before now and ensuring the safety of us women during our cycle. If this is the 1st time you've heard of Winalite/Love Moon Pads it won't be the last!

I'm happy to give any woman a pkg. of maxi's so you too can experience a safer, healthier, stress free cycle each month. If you want to order a case of your own life changing maxi's, go to and email me your questions and I'll help get you started on the right path to ordering a healthy maxi pad for what should be a relaxing experience each month and not a stressful experience.

Love to all,

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